Scotland Health Care System officials join community leaders in cutting the ribbon on the Laurinburg Family Practice and Urgent Care, a consolidation of Wolonick Family Practice and Harris Family Practice. The new facility, which went into operation on Monday, is located at 101 Plaza Road. For more information or to schedule an appointment call 910-276-6767.

Scotland Health Care System officials join community leaders in cutting the ribbon on the Laurinburg Family Practice and Urgent Care, a consolidation of Wolonick Family Practice and Harris Family Practice. The new facility, which went into operation on Monday, is located at 101 Plaza Road. For more information or to schedule an appointment call 910-276-6767.

<p>An open house was held Saturday for the community to view the newly constructed Laurinburg Family Practice and Urgent Care on Plaza Road.</p>

An open house was held Saturday for the community to view the newly constructed Laurinburg Family Practice and Urgent Care on Plaza Road.

LAURINBURG — The Scotland Health Care System celebrated its newest addition on Saturday along with the community.

The former Plaza Road Walgreens has been transformed into the Laurinburg Family Practice and Urgent Care, which is a consolidation of Wolonick Family Practice and Harris Family Practice.

“We are so excited about being able to open this Laurinburg Family Practice and urgent care new facility,” said Chief Executive Officer of Scotland Health Care System David Pope. “It’s a great opportunity to consolidate many of our services in one easy-to-access building on a main road here in Laurinburg. We’re also excited about being able to offer a drive-through pharmacy for the benefit of our patients. We started this project one of the exciting things about it was to reuse a building that was sitting empty here in town. This project not only allows us to provide better care for our patients but also to help Laurinburg remain vibrant as a community.”

Pope added the proposal to renovate the former Walgreens came from two Scotland Physician Network Team Leads, Shannon Jones and BJ Goodridge. The location is in an central location and has the space to hold everything needed along with fixing the parking issue that is a current problem at Harris Family Practice.

“This is going to improve the access in our community,” Dr. Glenn Harris said. “Urgent care is overwhelmed, we need more access and I think the urgent care here will provide the access we need. But a facility like this also brings in the opportunity for more positions … I think it will allow us to bring other people in and showcase what we have here.”

Laurinburg-Scotland County Area Chamber of Commerce Director Chris English added the day was about highlighting the investments that Scotland Health Care continues to make in the community.

“We aren’t just celebrating an expansion in Scotland health care services we’re celebrating an investment in the quality of life in this region,” English said. “We’re always being asked what new businesses are coming to the area and it’s easy for me to look to Scotland Health Care and see the investments they’re making in our area and be proud of that.”

The new facility, which went into operation on Monday, is located at 101 Plaza Road. For more information or to schedule an appointment call 910-276-6767.