Taylor Johnson (pink cap) was one of three Scotland representatives on the SAC All-Conference swimming list along with Zoey Bowman and Head Coach Aliechia Post. Here, Johnson dives off the block during her 500-yard freestyle win during a meet at St. Andrews University back on Dec. 4.
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Taylor Johnson (pink cap) was one of three Scotland representatives on the SAC All-Conference swimming list along with Zoey Bowman and Head Coach Aliechia Post. Here, Johnson dives off the block during her 500-yard freestyle win during a meet at St. Andrews University back on Dec. 4.

File Photo

LAURINBURG —The Sandhills Athletic Conference (SAC) released their 2024-25 All-Conference swim team selections and awards on Monday morning. Scotland had three representatives on the list: Taylor Johnson got the first spot of the women’s 500-yard freestyle with a time of 5:42.98, Zoey Bowman with the second spot of the women’s 50-yard freestyle with a time of 28.98 seconds and Head Coach Aliechia Post, who was named the conference’s Coach of the Year.

The women’s team came in third place out of seven teams in the conference’s final standings with 486 points. The standings in order were Union Pines (1,376 points), Pinecrest (1,371 points), Scotland, Richmond (339 points), Hoke County (300 points), Lee County (76 points) and Southern Lee (75 points).

The men’s team finished the season in fifth place out of six competing teams with 246 points. The conference standings in order were Pinecrest (1,366 points), Union Pines (1,365 points), Richmond (394 points), Southern Lee (386 points), Scotland and Hoke County (94 points).

Union Pines had both the female swimmer of the year in Claire Weld and the male swimmer of the year in Cullen Pox. AJ Pogoncheff took home the unified swimmer of the year award.

Congratulations to Johnson, Bowman and Post on their incredible accomplishments!