The Town of Wagram’s tree lighting ceremony was held on Nov. 30. There were about 45 people in attendance at the event that included refreshments and the singing of Christmas carols. Town commissioners present were Robert McLaughlin, left, Lori Reynolds, Mayor Barbara Pierce and Iasia Well.
                                 Courtesy photo | Town of Wagram

The Town of Wagram’s tree lighting ceremony was held on Nov. 30. There were about 45 people in attendance at the event that included refreshments and the singing of Christmas carols. Town commissioners present were Robert McLaughlin, left, Lori Reynolds, Mayor Barbara Pierce and Iasia Well.

Courtesy photo | Town of Wagram

The Town of Wagram’s tree lighting ceremony was held on Nov. 30. There were about 45 people in attendance at the event that included refreshments and the singing of Christmas carols. Town commissioners present were Robert McLaughlin, left, Lori Reynolds, Mayor Barbara Pierce and Iasia Well.