Hundreds gathered in the Shaw Academy gymnasium Friday to witness their loved ones cross the stage and collect their diplomas from Scotland County Schools Superintendent Adell Baldwin and carnations from Board of Education chair and vice chair Rick Singletary and Carolyn Banks, symbolizing the completion of their high school years.
Tomeka Sinclair | The Laurinburg Exchange
LAURINBURG — “I’m here to remind you that it’s often the journey that defines your destination … Continue to move forward step-by-step, making good decisions until you reach your goals.”
Those were the words spoken Friday by Shaw Academy Principal Joshua Williams during commencement exercises.
“You will look back on these high school years,” Williams continued. “You will look back on the moments of growth, improvement and overcoming adversity. You will have stories of how you took everything in stride and made the right choices.”
Hundreds gathered in the school’s gymnasium stuffing the bleachers and lining the walls to witness their loved ones cross the stage and collect their diplomas from Scotland County Schools Superintendent Adell Baldwin and carnations from Board of Education chair and vice chair Rick Singletary and Carolyn Banks, symbolizing the completion of their high school years.
At the ceremony, more than 50 graduates were conferred as cheers rang throughout the facility at every name proclaimed by Tannelaine Wilson, the school’s Special Populations coordinator.
While delivering remarks, Williams encouraged students to “continue to be determined to reach your goals.”
“Remember every setback is a setup for a comeback. Keep pushing forward and never lose sight of your dreams,” the principal said.
Ke’Shandra Platt and Isiaiah MiCrimmon were each recognized for achieving academic excellence.
“Academic excellence characterizes these two graduates … As an educator, it always brings a sense of satisfaction and appreciation for the work that we do when we have students who are willing to trust us to help them to achieve academic goals,” Latoria Worth said.
“These two students did begin the year with high expectations for themselves and they did not give up. They remained steadfast and committed to reaching their goals to attend school without interruption.”
Also recognized were the four students who completed Career and Technical Education, David Bryant, Isaiah McCrimmon, Tyere‘ McLean and Ryan Quick.
Platt was the student who spoke encouraging words to her crowd of peers. The class representative said that despite the school being non-traditional, they each earned their right to achieve a diploma.
“I am grateful for the educational opportunity that was offered to me,” Platt said during her remarks.
In closing, Williams quoted the late rapper Nipsey Hussle and motivational speaker Eric Thomas.
“‘Life is a marathon, not a sprint’ … ‘When you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe then you will be successful.’ Keep this mindset as you move forward in life,” Williams said.