I was very pleased that The Laurinburg Exchange gave front page coverage to “Remembering MLK” and “Celebrating 90 years … Mama Lou”. I found each article very uplifting, read every word.
What a letdown, disheartening feeling to see on The Opinion, Page 4A, My View, “Doing away with Martin Luther King Day”. I felt and still feel alarmed by the decision to uplift Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr on the front page of ,January 15, 2022, Edition and a mere three pages later, page 4A, feature a mean-spirited article, “Doing away with Martin Luther King Day”.
The writer seems diabolically gleeful in his declaration – opinion to do away with MLK Day. In light of the FBI’s sordid history of corruption, intimidation, abuse of power, and shameful treatment of MLK, other Civil Rights Organizers and Supporters, why give such creditability to their reporting?
I’m curious if the writer plans to do such an opinion piece on George Washington and call for a “Doing away with George Washington Day”, or other powerful men of a different hue than MLK based on the FBI and biographers reporting?
I’m even more curious of The Laurinburg Exchange’s intent to publish such a contradictory hostile article to “Remembering MLK” in the same edition …
Ella Gibson