Community, here we are, the last Saturday morning before Christmas.
Today is the day that we come to worship and adore Christ the Lord. Christ the Lord came to earth more than 2,000 years ago. The greatest bombshell that ever hit human history was when Christ came through 40 and two generations, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born through the Virgin Mary. Every morning but especially this morning we come to worship the King! Not just any king, not the king of England, but the king of kings.
You know, when we celebrate someone’s birthday we celebrate the person. I mean, that’s our tradition when we highlight somebody’s birthday we highlight the person. It doesn’t make sense to have a celebration about somebody or an occasion about a person and then don’t celebrate the person! How would we feel if somebody gave us a birthday dinner, but at the dinner they celebrated with everyone but us? If only for that day we are the center of attention.
Today, on this last Saturday before Christmas Day, we celebrate the fact that it’s all about him, not me or you! Some people think that it’s all about them! They’ve got to be the focus of attention. Even in church some people make it all about them. Some even think that the church cannot function without them. In relationships or marriages, some think that it’s all about them. On the job, they must be the center of attention. Some even want the glory and the credit for what they do.
King Herod made it all about him, and he did not give God the glory. God struck him and he was eaten with worms, and he died, according to Acts 12:21-23. Nobody steals God’s glory!
In II Chronicles 33, Manasseh reigned as King of Jerusalem, but he thought it was all about him. He did that which was evil in the sight of God unlike Hezekiah his father who was a righteous man. The Lord spoke to him and his people, but they would not listen. When the Lord afflicted him in verse 12 of that chapter the Bible says, “he sought the Lord and humbled himself greatly before the Lord” and in verse 13, the Bible says, “then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God.”
When we make it about us the Lord knows how to bring us down. Community, it’s never about us. To think that it is is a false sense of pride. We celebrate one another at birthday parties, anniversaries, appreciation services, and milestones; and that’s a good thing. Some people have contributed mightily to certain causes that are worth giving them commendations.
I observed during the summer Olympics epic performances from athletes from all nations all over the world. I was especially proud of our U.S. athletes who won gold, silver and bronze medals. To have the medals placed around their necks was a proud American moment. It was about them.
Princes and princesses in England are coronated in special ceremonies. It is about them. There comes a time when we need to recognize individuals for their accomplishments here on earth.
But friends, this whole season that we are celebrating, the lights, the nativity scenes, the singing, the carols, it’s all about him; and everything should be about him. I want to point out that this season is all about a savior who was born in Bethlehem to rescue us all from being separated from him forever in the lake of fire (Revelations 21:8). I hope we know that if he came to save us, he came to save us from a reason.
We Christians, born-again believers, know that he is above every Olympic athlete. He is a king above the king of England, emperor, duch or duchess that ever lived. He’s in a class by himself. The milestone of the cross is the greatest accomplishment that was ever accomplished. No one can ever come close to that. I don’t care what they have accomplished. He is the only one who can substitute for man’s sins. That’s a platform that nobody else can perform on but him.
He’s awesome, check him out. Instead of being crowned by a man with a gold medal around his neck, he was nailed to a rugged cross. Instead of being born in a palace like a king, he was born in a stable with no crib for a bed. “The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head; the stars in the sky look down where he lay; the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.”
It was a “silent night; a holy night; all was calm, and all was bright.” It was the “night of our dear savior’s birth” …Oh “fall on your knees and hear the angels voices … oh, night when Christ was born.” Look at the savior community. “What child is this who, laid to rest on Mary’s lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while angels watch are keeping?”
Regardless of what the world says, this holiday is all about him! Not ho, ho, ho, but hallelujah! If he had not been born there would be no need for a Christmas tree, lights, decorations, Christmas carols, Christmas cards. There would be no need for amazing grace, precious Lord, take my hand. Imagine if we could not sing “because he lives, I can face tomorrow.”
It is all about him! Nothing or nobody should be exalted but him! This holiday represents unity, peace, hope and a blessed future for the people of God. It’s his birth! It’s all about him!
Merry Christmas everybody.
The Rev. George Ellis is the pastor of Union Grove Missionary Baptist Church and can be reached at