HAMLET – Richmond Community College mailed out checks to students who were eligible for emergency financial assistance through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Security (CARES) Act.

“Richmond Community College is very much aware of how the coronavirus has affected our students,” said Vice President of Student Services Sharon Goodman. “Due to the disruption of campus operations, many students incurred unforeseen expenses by having to transition from face-to-face to online instruction.”

The College received $1,993,968, with at least 50 percent of the emergency funds being spent on direct student aid for students enrolled in the 2020 Spring Semester. Students eligible for the one-time funding were those enrolled in a face-to-face class that transitioned to online or students who were in a face-to-face class that was paused due to the campus closure.

“Unfortunately, online only students, Career and College Promise students, and Basic Skills (College and Career Readiness) students were not eligible for this funding,” Goodman said.

Another requirement for the emergency assistance funding was completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA determines if a student meets the criteria to participate in the CARES Act program, such as U.S. citizenship or eligible noncitizen, a valid Social Security number, registration with Selective Service, and a high school diploma, GED or completion of high school in an approved homeschool setting.

“We mailed letters to different groups of students who had not completed a 2019-20 FAFSA, explaining why they must submit an application to determine eligibility for the CARES Act funding,” Goodman said. “Checks were sent out last week to students who met all the requirements, but if there are 2020 Spring Semester students who did not receive a check because they failed to complete the FAFSA, then they can contact us in Student Services, and we’ll be glad to help them.”

RichmondCC is open at all of its locations and operating under normal hours. A section of online summer classes started Monday, but more classes, including college transfer and face-to-face technical classes, will begin June 15. Students requested more hands-on classes, so the College developed a plan for these later starting summer courses. The June 15 schedule also includes more online classes.

“The College has taken numerous precautions to maintain a safe learning environment for students and faculty, while continuing to provide the personal, individualized attention that RichmondCC is known for,” Goodman said.

For information about the CARES Act funding for spring semester students or to sign up for summer classes beginning June 15, call 910-410-1700 or visit www.richmondcc.edu.

Wylie Bell is the marketing and communications director for Richmond Community College.

Wylie Bell
