Mike Causey
                                Guest Commentary

Mike Causey

Guest Commentary

Our dedicated employees at the Department of Insurance do a lot more than license insurance companies, agents, adjusters and review balance sheets. They work hard for consumers too.

In 2024, Department employees recovered $144.4 million for North Carolinians. That figure includes aiding consumers with their claims, helping survivors receive benefits from lost life insurance policies, helping seniors save on their Medicare plans and recovering money wrongly claimed by fraudsters.

More than half of that money – nearly $83 million – was recovered through our Consumer Services Division. Most of that figure, $70.5 million, came about as a result of our lost life insurance policy tool.

If you’ve had a loved one who passed away and haven’t been able to locate his or her life insurance information, you may be able to find it by using our online tool at www.ncdoi.gov, clicking on the “Assistance/Complaints” tab, then clicking “Locate a Lost Life Insurance Policy.” You may also call our toll-free number at 855-408-1212 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday for more information about this service.

Our Consumer Services Division also helped North Carolinians obtain $12.4 million after filing complaints regarding their claims with insurance companies.

The Department’s Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program, better known as SHIIP, served 65,859 senior citizens across the state last year, helping them save nearly $33.2 million. Our SHIIP staff trains counselors to help serve Medicare beneficiaries in all 100 counties.

SHIIP counselors help North Carolina senior citizens navigate the maze of Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug programs so that they can get the best deal for their premium dollar. This is a free service for Medicare beneficiaries. Our SHIIP counselors provide unbiased information. Our only skin in the game is helping seniors understand their options so that they can make an educated decision.

Our Smart NC Division saved North Carolinians more than $2.4 million. Smart NC helps patients who have had medical procedures or drugs denied by their insurance companies with external

reviews. In these external reviews, an independent provider reviews information provided by the patient’s doctor and the insurance company to make a binding determination in the dispute.

The Department’s Criminal Investigations Division investigates insurance fraud and other white-collar crimes. In 2024, the CID helped return $22.1 million in restitution and recoveries following their investigations. Special agents also made 406 arrests and obtained 218 convictions last year.

Our Market Regulation Division was able to provide nearly $3.8 million in refunds and additional payments to consumers after reviewing insurance company practices.

I appreciate the attention these employees give to detail in helping make sure North Carolinians receive the money they’re due.

Mike Causey is the North Carolina Insurance Commissioner.