Community, you feel good when you just let some things go. Holding on to things, stuff and people can weigh you down and take the very life out of you.

The devil makes us think that we have to have some things, that we need certain people and things to validate us and that we can’t live without certain things and certain practices, even if they are sinful and not good for us. We hold on to them, and they take our joy, and our happiness and leave us empty.

But community, it’s not worth it. Nothing is worth interrupting our fellowship with God. The Lord is calling today for us to “sell out” and thrive in 2025! Give it up and let it go! Trust Him to provide and trust him to fulfill your needs. The devil, Satan, will make us think that we will lose if we sell out for Jesus but we know that he’s a liar because the truth is we LOSE if we don’t sell out.

Friends, in order to win some things, we have to give up some things. People who gamble have to give up money to win money!

Those who are pursuing academic achievement, a higher education, have to give up personal pleasure — the party life — and make personal sacrifices to gain a quality education and a higher-income job. Those who are in problem relationships where their partner abuses them, physically assault them, and take advantage of them and don’t appreciate what they have in them are made to feel that they can do no better; that they have to settle for a man or woman who really don’t care about them.

You can’t run for the Lord and hold on to that baggage at the same time. Sell out, cut the strings, and let it go!

Community in 2025 it will cost us to serve the Lord. We must take his yoke upon us and learn of him (Matthew 11:29-30). But, “his yoke is easy, and his burden is light.” What you give up will not compare to what you have to gain. If you want 2025 to be your year; if you are tired of the same old, same old, hear God speak to you on this Saturday in a brand new year.

Sell out and thrive in 2025! I’ll give you double for your trouble! Sell out and I’ll give you the kingdom! Let it go, give me your whole life and I will give you a better and blessed life. Forget about the temporary, and I will give you heaven. Give me all of you and in 2025 I’ll give you a life that you never thought that you would have. Don’t settle for just a steak, when I can give you the whole cow!

A young rich ruler, came and said unto Jesus, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: Jesus said to the young man, but if you wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. The ruler was perceptive for he immediately asked, Which ones? Jesus replied by repeating the 5th through the ninth of the Ten Commandments, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love your neighbor as yourself.

Jesus said unto him, If you are really sincere If thou wilt be perfect, “sell out” and give up what you have, go sell it and give it all to the poor, and you shalt have TREASURE in heaven: and come and follow me. The young man saith unto him, I can handle that. I don’t steal, don’t tell lies by giving false testimony, don’t commit adultery, I do honor my mother and father, and yes, I do love my neighbor as myself. All these things have I kept from my youth up until now. What else do I lack? I just want to know what good work must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Jesus told him, sell out and give up what you have, go sell it and give it all to the poor, and you shalt have TREASURE in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away, he walked away sorrowful: for he was rich and had great possessions (Matthew 19:16-23).

Christ’s command revealed to the young man and to us that his money rather than his God came first in his life. Community, there’s nothing wrong with having a nice house, nice car, nice clothes, nice heat, money in the bank, nice friends and a nice family, but we are to be willing, to abandon all of it if need be, in order to do God’s will!

Now, friends, this does not mean that a rich person cannot go to heaven! But since he was trusting his money to save him rather than the Lord, he could no more go to heaven than a camel could go through the eye of a needle. Friends, God wants to do something for his people, this year; we are his royal priesthood (1 Peter 1:9). He wants 2025 to be the year for the saints; he wants to heal, deliver, to move on our behalf.

Don’t let money, people, stuff and sin block your blessing; sell out and thrive in 2025!

The Rev. George Ellis is the pastor of Union Grove Missionary Baptist Church and can be reached at