As one of 19 official judges for the 2019 All American Quarter Horse Congress recently held in Columbus, Ohio, St. Andrews Carla Wennberg was among the elite and nationally recognized equestrian judges to be part of the largest single breed-horse show in the world.
With over 25,000 horse show entries in various events with 9,000 horses competing and an estimated 650,000 attending the October 5-26 competition, Wennberg was involved with some 13 days of judging without a day off — and says she and loved every minute.
“Some days were 12 hours, some 15 hours, all amazing competition,” Wennberg said.
Events and judging included reining and cutting competition, hunter and jumpers, all around events such as horsemanship, showmanship and hunter seat equitation, trail, ranch riding, western pleasure and hunter under saddle. It has added money classes up to $25,000 for some western performance classes.
“I have judged the All American QH Congress three times before over my 33-year judging career, Wennberg said. “This was my fourth and I will say my favorite. I judged along with 19 other judges from all over the USA. I teach a Form to Function course for St Andrews University, and I can tell you there is no better continuing education than on the job. I appreciate Peggy McElveen having the knowledge that doing an event of this magnitude will bring more to the students and to our equine program.”
Simply known as the Congress, the event brings in about $409 million in revenue to Columbus and is held on the state fairgrounds with some 14 miles of vendors.
One can buy anything that involves a horse with a mid-week sale called the Super Sale. This year 114 horses sold, and the top sale was $70,000 for a yearling western pleasure prospect.
“I am so honored to have work along some of the best judging in the country. I am so excited to bring my knowledge back to SAU and my equestrian students,” she said.