To the editor:

Driving north on the bypass last week, I was startled to see “THANK YOU JESUS” a crudely lettered poster, attached to the Republican headquarters sign.

“Claiming Jesus is Republican? Naaaah. The Republicans I know are better than that,” I assured myself. Must be some fringe element at work, I decided.

Three days later, that sign was still there—plus, copies of it planted in yards and plastered on trees all over the county. Now I’m wondering, just how big is that “fringe element?”

Actually, I understand the impulse. With so much power at stake, who isn’t tempted to pray for a win? But these days folks on opposite sides are barely speaking to each other. What good does it do get in their face, so to speak, by plastering signs proclaiming Jesus’ favor?

Jesus, as I see him, wasn’t much for politics. Or rather, he was on the “side” of anyone who cared for the down and out. But he could be hard on the power-brokers of his time, especially folks like that Pharisee who proclaimed God’s favor over the humble publican.

Might we of whatever party resemble that Pharisee if we publicly thank Jesus for winning us an election?

Sue Fidler
