One of the Creator’s most important directives to mankind tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God. In Proverbs 8:17, He said, “I love those that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.”

Because this world has become so ungodly and morally corrupt, our children are finding it more difficult to learn about God and learn about loving him and seeking his righteousness. Instead, they are taught things that are an abomination to God.

Because of their unbelief of God, and not accepting that in fact, God created heaven and earth, and every- thing ever created, both on earth and heaven, they spend their lives denying God. Thereby sending others to Hell too.

Instead of giving God the Glory for his great creation they rely on Man’s ideas, such the “Big Bang” or things such Evolution, time, or gravity.

Their latest thing is the James Webb Space Telescope, which was launched into spaces just a few days ago. Someone wrote that it was “designed to study the early days of the universe, roughly 100 million years after the Big Bang, when the first stars flickered on in the cosmos.”

That statement sadly demonstrates the present state of our education system and foolishness of Man. They totally ignore that God created the stars on the fourth day of his creation and not millions or billions of years ago. God Spoke the sun, moon, stars, and the planets into being just like he spoke a heaven and earth into being.

What took God almost no time to fill the heavens, now Man labors and spends billions of dollars trying to see what He put out there, through a huge telescope. One wonders if they really believe that they are going to see the early days of the universe thru that infrared telescope!

Only those who receive God’s free gift of Eternal Life will enter Heaven. God will only extend that free gift to those who truly believe in Him, and his precious Son Jesus Christ, who was crucified, died, and rose again on the third day. After his resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days on earth, he then accented to Heaven.

When God gives the word, Jesus will return to Earth to judge the wicked, and to rule Earth for 1,000 years.

Manuel Ybarra Jr.

Coalgate, Oklahoma