We enrolled our son Gaven in North Carolina Virtual Academy (NCVA) so he could excel academically. Gaven was regressing in the local brick and mortar school and losing valuable, key skills. He had gone from a friendly, outgoing, honor roll child to an emotionally-closed, disinterested student. We needed a change.

We saw the transformation in Gaven the very first week he began public school at home. Gaven is a different child with NCVA. He’s taking charge of his education, prioritizing lessons, and learning time management at an early age. He’s making friends better in his online Class Connect sessions than in a traditional classroom.

Gaven enjoys his teachers who understand his mild dyslexia. He’s able to move at his own pace — sometimes moving swiftly through a lesson and sometimes taking extra time for review. His pace does not affect his peers — every student benefits from their own independent track. NCVA’s tailored approach to education is a perfect fit for our family.

We want North Carolina to protect every family’s choice in education.

Heather Benedict
