We are sure, since we have seen a Facebook post and have been told by multiple reliable sources, that Laurinburg’s lame-duck mayor who is now a candidate for District 2 councilman intentionally placed two of his Team Block campaign signs across the street from our office in an effort to “stick it to us.”

That’s fine.

Matthew Block’s campaign signs — which are appropriately black, representing the dark days he has brought as mayor and will bring should he be elected — can be placed almost anywhere. We would add “legally” placed, but we all know that word rarely affects his decisions.

Those two Team Block signs, if they were intended to “stick it to us,” fall short of that mark. But we will tell you exactly what those signs have accomplished so far: Since there is one stuck into the ground of each of the two properties Block owns across from The Oaks, the effect is to draw attention to the community eyesores that are Block’s houses.

For some time now, the only residents of the two small houses have been any birds and critters that have managed to wander in. They may each be considered five-star resorts for the animal world, but as residences for humans they might actually be uninhabitable — and as a representation of Laurinburg, they fall even below being labeled a blight on the city.

Block proudly talks about how he loves Laurinburg and wants to make it a better place. So how about cleaning up these two properties and these two houses, instead of leaving them to fall further into ruin?

We won’t hold our breath on that, because this man has a history of this. Just research his property in Southport for proof.

Block operates on words, mostly written, and draws a line when it comes to constructive action. His Facebook page, which remains in violation of federal law, is constantly populated with his rants, attacks, justifications for both and videos of his opponents while stalking them. Rather than being a loose-cannon mayor or councilman, Block probably would make someone a decent marketing director IF he could actually work for someone other than his trio of self-proclaimed buddies (me, myself and I).

He’s also so good with words, that he has mastered talking out of both sides of his mouth. Take, for instance, his thoughts about taxes in Laurinburg and the potential for more taxes. From the right side, he says no more taxes; from the left side, he said at a June 5 budget workshop that city taxes are too low. Which is it?

The bottom line here is that the man just can’t be trusted — trusted to do what he says, trusted not to change his mind depending on the wind, trusted to be a good neighbor (wherever he actually lays his head) and trusted to be a positive leader.

As was recently pointed out to us, there is a definition for “King Baby” that states: “Syndrome is characterized by a belief that their needs come first and foremost without concern for others. Having blinders on when it comes to the perspectives of others. ‘My way or the highway’ attitudes. Extreme arrogance.” The only thing missing is a photo of Block.

Team Block? Sounds like an oxymoron to us.



“It is the newspaper’s duty to print the news and raise hell.” (Wilbur F. Storey)