Shown are Scotland County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Randy Dover, left; Kelly Kirk, Child Advocacy Center coordinator; Tierra Gilbert, Child Advocacy Center supervisor; Scotland County Sheriff Ralph Kersey; Theressa Smith, Richmond County Department of Social Services deputy director, and Lieutenant Jim Daigle.
Courtesy photo | Child Advocacy Center
LAURINBURG — More than $11,000 was raised at the “Cook-Off for Kids” Amateur BBQ Competition fundraiser, hosted in May by the the Scotland County Sheriff’s Department on Main Street.
This event was spearheaded by Lieutenant Jim Daigle and raised a total of $11,263.99 which was donated to the Our House Tri-County Child Advocacy Center, located in Rockingham.
All donations and proceeds from the event were presented by the Scotland County Sheriff’s Department to the staff at the Child Advocacy Center on June 3 in Scotland County.
Eleven BBQ competitors paid $50 to enter the competition. Chicken and ribs for the competition were donated by Perdue Farms and Smithfield’s Chicken & BBQ, and trophies were donated by Jeff’s Trophies & Tees and Trophy World. In addition to the entrance fees, Lt. Daigle was able to generate sponsors and monetary donations from Robert Outlaw Construction, ATM Solutions, Quality Equipment and from those who donated through a GoFundMe page.
The Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is a child-focused, facility-based program in which representatives from core disciplines collaborate to investigate child abuse reports, conduct forensic interviews, determine and provide evidence-based interventions, and assess cases for prosecution. Located in Rockingham, the Child Advocacy Center is a combination of resources in Richmond, Anson and Scotland counties and is named “Our House” Tri-County CAC.
Its mission is to operate a multi-disciplinary team to respond and address child abuse allegations through the coordination of professional services for children and to provide counseling, medical examinations, forensic interviews, victim support and advocacy, law enforcement intervention and other resources within these local communities. Our House began planning phases in 2019 and has since grown to develop interagency agreements and protocols with the District Attorney’s Office, Department of Social Services, and law enforcement agencies in all three counties. They also contract with a medical doctor, therapists, mental health providers, and forensic interviewers to address the treatment needs of the children and support the non-offending caregivers in a comfortable, child-focused setting.
Since September 2023, approximately 76 children and families received services through Our House Tri-County CAC.
There are approximately 55 Child Advocacy Centers across North Carolina that provide support, resources and hope for children in abusive situations, providing a way out and a way forward. These community-based, child-friendly centers foster hope and facilitate healing for traumatized child victims of physical and sexual abuse, child trafficking, neglect and exposure to drugs and violence.
Everyone plays a role in protecting children from maltreatment by contacting law enforcement or Department of Social Services. In fact, North Carolina carries a mandatory reporter law that requires “any person or institution who has cause to suspect that any juvenile is abused, neglected, or dependent, as defined by G.S. 7B-101, or has died as a result of maltreatment, shall report the case of that juvenile to the Director of Social Services in the county where the juvenile resides or is found.”
Our House Tri-County CAC’s primary focus is to keep our children safe while providing guidance and support through the traumatized experience(s) for the children and non-offending caregivers. The CAC is funded through grants, fundraisers, and donations. The Scotland County Sheriff’s Department is planning another cook-off competition to be held next year. Richmond and Anson counties will also host fundraisers. If anyone is interested in donating or would like more information, contact Kelly Kirk, CAC Coordinator at 910-997-8424.
Wondering who won the BBQ Competition? There were 11 competitors who entered the “Cook-Off for Kids” Amateur BBQ Competition.
All contestants had displays and provided free samples to the public. Trophy awards were given for first, second, and third place in the rib and chicken categories. First, second and third place winners in the best chicken category were Bearded Stones by Bracey Lee; Pecan Tan BBQ by Vernon Lee; and Mr. Keys BBQ, respectively.
In the best rib category, Off the Rack BBQ by Chris Hodges won first place followed by Bearded Stones in second place and English BBQ by Martin English in third place.
Other contestants were Mr. T’s BBQ by Cody Gaine; Up in Smoke by Kyle Coolidge; D.A.’s by Damond Allen; Two Brothers BBQ by BJ Knight; Hamm Bones by Rodney Hammonds, and I Don’t Need a Partner by Jonathan Sellers.