The Laurinburg Branch of the National Association of University Women installed its 2024-26 officers which include Tabatha Burk, Chanel Carmichael, Marie Willis, Beverly Dockery, Kendra Pegues, Sallie Ledbetter, and Annie Blue.
                                 Courtesy photo

The Laurinburg Branch of the National Association of University Women installed its 2024-26 officers which include Tabatha Burk, Chanel Carmichael, Marie Willis, Beverly Dockery, Kendra Pegues, Sallie Ledbetter, and Annie Blue.

Courtesy photo

LAURINBURG — The Laurinburg Branch of the National Association of University Women installed its officers for the 2024-2026 program year.

Outgoing First Vice-President Dorothy Tyson conducted the ceremony.

Tabatha Burk was installed as the new president. New officers also include Chanel Carmichael, who will serve as first vice president; Marie Willis, second vice president; Beverly Dockery, recording secretary; Kendra Pegues, corresponding secretary; Sallie Ledbetter, treasurer; and Annie Blue, financial secretary.

The appointed officers are journalist Linda Douglas, historian Sheila Swift, Chaplain Yulla Hines and parliamentarian, Joyce McDow.

“We are looking forward to a great program year with our enthusiastic and energetic group of new officers,” Burk said.