Leaders from Richmond Community College met Monday with leaders from Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute to sign an agreement that will expand the 911 Communications & Operations degree program into more regions of N.C.
Courtesy photo | RichmondCC
HAMLET — Richmond Community College’s 911 telecommunications program will now be available to students at Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute (CCC&TI) after an official agreement was signed by college leaders earlier this week.
Dale McInnis, president of RichmondCC, and Mark Poarch, president of CCC&TI, signed off on the partnership on Monday that will allow CCC&TI students to enroll in the online program and complete an associate degree in 911 Communications & Operations.
“Our mantra over the last few years has been ‘Partnerships Matter.’ This agreement with Richmond Community College is just another example of leveraging our partnerships to provide essential training and qualified workers for our emergency services agencies,” Poarch said. “This new program provides critical training for those on the front lines during emergency situations and supports public safety services throughout our region.”
The online degree program developed by RichmondCC provides a pathway for individuals who are interested in starting a career in this field. Graduates may find employment with local government emergency communications centers, county sheriffs’ offices, local law enforcement, fire and EMS agencies, and emergency management and related emergency dispatch operations.
This program also allows those already working as 911 telecommunicators to enhance their skills and earn a college degree in this career field.
CCC&TI students will complete a majority of the core courses and the work-based learning portion of the program through RichmondCC, while completing other general education requirements at CCC&TI.
CCC&TI is the ninth community college to collaborate with RichmondCC on making the online associate degree program available to more communities across the state of North Carolina. CCC&TI serves Caldwell and Watauga counties.
“We are excited to be working with Dr. Poarch and his team at Caldwell on this new approach to elevate the professionals working in the 911 career field and better prepare them for the important role they play in saving lives,” McInnis said.
The idea for the college curriculum program was developed when the N.C. 911 Board reached out to RichmondCC about a need for standardization in training 911 telecommunicators. RichmondCC worked closely with the N.C. 911 Board and the N.C. Department of Information Technology to construct the online program.
For more information about the 911 Communications & Operations degree, call RichmondCC at (910) 410-1700. For more information about CCC&TI, visit https://www.cccti.edu/.