Scotland High School Beta Club Advisor Joe Graves presents Principal Laura Bailey with the Relay for Life Service Award. The Beta Club helped set up and clean up for Relay for Life of Scotland with more than 15 participants this year. The Beta Club is familiar with helping its community. Members have participated in the park rebuild, mentor programs, church events, sporting events, and this year’s Special Olympics.
                                 Courtesy photo

Scotland High School Beta Club Advisor Joe Graves presents Principal Laura Bailey with the Relay for Life Service Award. The Beta Club helped set up and clean up for Relay for Life of Scotland with more than 15 participants this year. The Beta Club is familiar with helping its community. Members have participated in the park rebuild, mentor programs, church events, sporting events, and this year’s Special Olympics.

Courtesy photo

Scotland High School Beta Club Advisor Joe Graves presents Principal Laura Bailey with the Relay for Life Service Award. The Beta Club helped set up and clean up for Relay for Life of Scotland with more than 15 participants this year. The Beta Club is familiar with helping its community. Members have participated in the park rebuild, mentor programs, church events, sporting events, and this year’s Special Olympics.