Good Morning Deplorables.

I hate to complain, but this “basket” Hillary Clinton has put us deplorables in is getting mighty crowded lately. Seems that a bunch of Democrats have been leaving their baskets and moving in with the deplorables.

This campaign season is proving to be one of our country’s most unconventional election cycles since Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter. One curiosity that has stood out, however is the number of Democrats that are showing up at the Scotland County Republican Party headquarters looking for information on Republican candidates and some have actually ask how to switch parties, and this phenomena is not unique to Scotland County.

When asked why they decided to make the change from Democrat to Republican, most had the same two reasons in common, foremost, as one gentleman stated that,“The liberals have taken over the Democrat Party and they’re taking us in the wrong direction.”

A second individual remarked:“I don’t like being lied too, I’d rather have the government take some of my money than I would have them lie to me, I can replace the money.” He did say however he felt: “Politicians that lie to us on purpose don’t appear to be the majority, and there is a big difference in breaking campaign promises they find later impossible to keep, and a politician that just out and out lies to you, as so many of these so called liberals are doing.”

Still another visitor complained about: “the uncontrolled flood of illegal immigrants crossing our boarders.” The Obama administration is reported to be preventing border authorities from doing their job of protecting our borders. One lady that recently moved here from Maryland said the flow of unaccompanied school-age illegals crossing our southern border has recently doubled with many of them ending up in Maryland. The thought is to hurry and get across the border in case Donald Trump is elected president. Maryland, being very liberal, seems to be more concerned about spending it’s resources on illegal immigrants than it’s citizens in troubled areas such as Baltimore.

The increase in school age illegals not only forced the expansion of Maryland’s traditional school services, but also requires free medical care, food, and in some cases housing. In the schools many illegals require new special services such as bi/lingual interpreters. Many school age illegal’s are illiterate in their native language which makes it twice as difficult to teach them English. In Maryland’s school system for instance more than one-fifth of non-English speaking school age illegal immigrants are being thrown into special education English courses in the public school systems. This additional financial burden is bleeding taxpayers and stealing educational opportunities from hundreds of other students. Many communities that are already cash poor are required to take funds intended for police, fire departments, EMS units and local infrastructure projects in order to provide special schooling.for these illegal students. The liberal branch of the Democrat Party claim that their motivation is benevolent but others say they’re just cultivating future Democrat voters. Other visitors at the Scotland Republican headquarters also expressed the fear our country is being intentionally divided strictly for political purposes by these new liberal Democrats primarily in areas of race, and sexual Orientation, but also included the political exploitation of differences in: religions, genders, class envy, nationality, patriotism, with the recent controversy over respecting the national anthem.

With all of these devilish controversies it’s easy to see the old divide and conquer tactic is still being used in today’s political arena. Divide and conquer has been around for hundreds, even thousands of years.This strategy was originally devised and named “Divide and Rule” by Philip II of Macedonia (359-326BC.) The tactic is actually Pre-Christian in it’s origin so if you turn to your, “Holy Bible,” you will find“Divide and Conquer” is referenced in: Luke 11:17,“But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.”

President Abraham Lincoln also stated: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” And, with the exception of our countries Civil War, America has never been so close to collapsing under the ravages of “Divide and Conquer.”

No nation in recorded history has ever maintained an extended existence with it’s people having such divided hearts. And you can count on the evil dividers craving liberal socialism to use “Divide and Conquer” against us…why not, it’s been working for thousands of years why stop now.

Mark Schecnk

Contributing columnist

Mark Schenck is chairman of the Scotland County Republican Party