To the editor:

So, the leaders {toot} that the All Mighty is in heaven, Peter Pan is living at the Chamber of Commerce, and Scotland County is now “never, never land”. Scotland County has no industry, the highest taxes in the state, lowest income in the state, and the welfare capital of the state.

Now we are told by the school board that going into debt to build another consolidated school is going to save the taxpayer money and fix all our problems. Plus the children will love it, too. They look forward to the bullying the smaller kids will have to put up with, the stealing that will go on, the assaults that will happen, and the verbal and physical threats for speaking up to help someone. More students in one place means less trouble? If you believe that, I’ve got some ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell you.

Haven’t you heard or seen small businesses restrict the number of students in their stores so they can lower the amount of shoplifting? Not all students shoplift but definitely some do. Smaller numbers are more easily controlled.

Smaller is better for the students. Who cares about students? Saving money and keeping up with the Joneses in the better counties is what is important. No matter what it is, Scotland County has to have it, no matter what it cost the taxpayers. They must impress others outside the county.

The student proficiency grades test for 2015-16 were 54 percent. Of course three years ago they were 37 percent. The tests were rewritten and the grades went up to 54 percent. I wonder if they lowered the standards of these test to get grades up like some states are suspected of doing. No matter what, I am not impressed by 54 percent either.

Let’s work on what and how students are being taught, not where. The school board said that new $41 million brick building will fix the grades, save money and lower taxes or that is what I gathered from what the school superintendent and other leaders {tooted} on page one and the two letters posted on the editorial page of the Exchange fish rapper. Sure it will when pigs, donkeys, anvils, and Tasmanian devils fly!

This $41 million white elephant will go through since the Bob Davis gang is all set to railroad this thing through no matter what, unless the taxpayers speak up. By next election Davis will have another memory lapse and remember nothing about $41 million, right Mayor Block?

William McLauchlin

Laurel Hill