To the editor:

In response to the article on the local GOP convention and remarks by Mark Harris.

The Jesus I know stood for radical hospitality, generosity, forgiveness, and love. He was sent by God fully human to teach us and show us how to live. His life is a testament to social justice as he taught us God’s love and mercy for all humans and our responsibility to care for them and for the earth. In today’s world, this would mean the poor, the sick, the immigrant, the refugee, the orphan, the oppressed, the LBGT community, the mentally ill, the wounded veteran, the homeless, the prisoner, those without health care and housing, and others who live on the margins of society. This was his message and his witness. Christ stood with the most vulnerable of society. He tore down walls. He touched those others would not touch. He broke bread with tax collectors, respected women, and welcomed strangers. He calls us to live for truth and justice and compassion rather than individual wealth and power. We know what he had to say to the rich young man about selling his possessions and giving to the poor, the camel and the eye of the needle. One of the foundations of our country is the belief in separation between church and state and the sacred right to freedom of religion. May we all use our minds, our hearts, and our faith to decide on the issues that affect all of God’s people.

May we all use our minds, our hearts, and our faith to decide on the issues that affect all of God’s people.

Mary Harvin McDonald
